From Hathor, Brigid, Frigga, Hestia, and Vesta to us.

The names above are the ruling deities of the hearth and home according to civilizations. The Egyptian pantheon upholds Hathor as the protector of the hearth. The Celtic tradition has Brigid, the Norse have Frigga, the Greeks have Hestia and the Romans have Vesta. In my humble abode, I uphold the goddess Durga, have my mother in the advisory role, and the operational team is just me! The past week has been hectic and so is this week and something tells me, its going to spill onto the next week as well. Bah! I'm almost feeling the need to be Dashabhuja like Maa Durga ! I have just shifted base from south to west Delhi and the unpacking and rearranging seems to have no end at all. Yes, I'm now a denizen of the suburbs. The planned blocks, residential complexes, tree-lined roads, sparse traffic, designated market areas... it is all so breezy. Although, setting up my own hearth in a tranquil atmosphere and just so as my heart always wanted is a welcome task, it is a huge t...