My adolescent longings... Part Deux!

I wasn't done yet! Turns out, I had more than my fair share of heartbreaks in high school. A couple of years after my first sad poem, there was yet another tragic tale in the pages of my long lost journal. This was close to my sweet sixteen, I remember this one vividly. I learned a lot about the world then, the real world and that it had a s***load of difference from the world Archies, Veronica and Betty lived in. Years later, I would also come to know that the whole thing was set up by my own girlfriends. They obviously knew I had hots for the guy, a senior who had lost a year to join our batch. A bet was placed to fool the moderately popular teacher's pet and I turned out to be the classic nerd who fell for it. You would scoff, get a grip, girl, it was high school! It, however, remains an old wound. I trusted my group, I loved that guy. Anyway, let me regale you by saying that in my early 20s I hunted up his number, called up, and blasted him with a climactic lecture. For al...