Procrastination (Huh! used the word)

- Really! That long? - Yes. - Wow, like a new-year-in-between long. - Yes. - Now that you made me think, I remember you did point it out, no? - Yes. - What's with the monosyllables? You have nothing else to say? - No. - Ugh! (After a few minutes) - So? - What? - Now that I made you 'think'. Will you start now? - Uh...huh. - At least a teeny little post.... - Surely. - On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being 'no hope at all', how sure are you? - If you would just shut it! This is a glimpse of the heated exchanges between me and the haloed me, that have been happening for a past couple of months now. I put the Pro in Procastinate . To begin with, I'll typically put the blame on the smart phone. I mean how can one bypass a good game of Scrabble, reading @Story_Baba on Twitter, and then there's addictive scrolling on Quora. However, the real deal with me is my rediscovery of Bangla movies. I am not talking about the song and dance fare of Dev , ...