
Showing posts from 2012

I'm Work-Freeeeeee!

I've done it, I've subdued the monster, I've emerged victorious. I'm a survivor! Alright, I understand (and probably you do too, by now) that I got a little carried away. Well, that's not an exaggeration if you work in a publishing house and that too on an encyclopaedia. Phew! it is so liberating to have at last met all your deadlines and completed your scheduled work for a print cycle. The result is an unbelievable, work-free rest of the week. I mean, today's Friday and I don't have a-n-y scheduled work to worry for during the Durga Puja. This also means I can actually take a leave on Monday and enjoy an extended weekend. In fact, this pleasant state-of-affairs could spill on to the next week. Do you get that? THE n-e-x-t-w-e-e-k. *Yipee* *Yay* *Somersault* *pole vault* *cowboy cry* Okay, that's done, I feel better, its like I'm breathing after a long while. I'm writing this blog entry seena taan ke with no nagging worry of c