I'm Work-Freeeeeee!

I've done it, I've subdued the monster, I've emerged victorious. I'm a survivor!

Alright, I understand (and probably you do too, by now) that I got a little carried away. Well, that's not an exaggeration if you work in a publishing house and that too on an encyclopaedia. Phew! it is so liberating to have at last met all your deadlines and completed your scheduled work for a print cycle.
The result is an unbelievable, work-free rest of the week. I mean, today's Friday and I don't have a-n-y scheduled work to worry for during the Durga Puja. This also means I can actually take a leave on Monday and enjoy an extended weekend. In fact, this pleasant state-of-affairs could spill on to the next week. Do you get that? THE n-e-x-t-w-e-e-k.

*pole vault*
*cowboy cry*

Okay, that's done, I feel better, its like I'm breathing after a long while. I'm writing this blog entry seena taan ke with no nagging worry of completing something that I left in the middle or the fear of my boss finding out I'm playing truant to work.

The arrival of the Goddess is always good news, good times are here to stay!

P.S. All the stunts mentioned have been done theoretically only. You can absolutely try them at home or wherever the hell you may be.


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