11 Reasons to Take a Break from Feeding

I've said it once and I'm going to say it again... M makes me look like the epitome of patience. I picture myself with a halo these days, the supreme mother, smiling beatifically at her daughter who mistakes the titty for a teether sometimes. M is of the notion that 'it' needs a stretch test quite regularly. Having said that, now that she is 6 months old, she feeds quite actively and these nursing sessions are liberally interrupted with the most adorable things and actions. Breastfeeding can and will stop for any number of momentous things happening in the universe. What it all boils down to is that I will have to bear it all without the slightest movement, as long as she isn't done feeding. In spite of everything, I just cant help but be amused at her antics. So, let me point out just some of the reasons for M to take a break from her feeding. I cleared my throat. I picked up my cellphone or it beeped or I tried to check my email, etc. Daddy walked in the ...