Chorus: Rain, rain go away! (scratch that and say: rain, rain, come again!)

Waiting out the rain in a dhaba enroute to Sariska

I'm sure you're hearing this everywhere, I do—in office, at home, in the bus, at the grocers and even the stray dogs seem to be beaming the chorus. Talk about national consensus, we seem to be having a huge one here. And predictions! 

Why, how could you ever leave them out? Did you get these:
–It's going to be a bitter winter this time around because the rain would spill over the coming months and... (The theory)
–It's going to be a very moderate winter because rains would offset the chill of the winds... (The theory)
–There's a high probability of earthquakes with all the water going underground and... (I didn't stick around to get that theory)
Some entertainment, I tell you, and yet, everybody says the season is dull.

My apartment building is taking it hard with growing water seepage. The ceiling is damp and green with mould, so when you lie in the bed and look up it looks like a galaxy of distant stars. But, my husband isn't very starry-eyed about it and we are shifting base this month end. I wonder what ruined the star-gazing for him. I mean, he's down with fever and at home for the past three days in bed, but whatever made him so irritable? Anyway....

On my way to office this morning, I loved staring out of the window. Everything was so verdant, clean, and the trees looked so happy. Contrast this with how flustered it looks in the summer heat and dust, and I'm going to opt for this rain. 

So, I'm not joining the chorus; I like the pitter-patter of rain outside while I cozy up to a very good book. I like the sweeping rain greeting me in the morning while I sip my tea in the balcony. I like the constant pouring while I snuggle with a novel in the light of my reading lamp. I love the thunderous shower while I curl up in my couch and watch that movie.
From our yearly rainy trip in Mussoorie

But before you chastise me, I love the rain because it feels like home which lies miles away. It feels like I'm back at my study table gazing at the rain through the window of my room, nestled in the beautiful scenic town of Dibrugarh.

I am a certified pluviophile!
I love the rain because this rain is strangely mine.
Rain is home, rain is teenage.
Rain is and will be in every chapter of my life.


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