Awe-inspiring Sariska.

The motivation behind the whole trip was ‘Stripey’. And, I hope you recognise Stripey for he’s the cute, little tiger cub who reminds us how there are only 1,411 tigers left in the country (and just so you know that’s his name actually, don’t believe me! Check out Facebook, he’s quite a celebrity) and I decided let’s chance it out. 

So, away I went along with hubby, on my Easter weekend (let’s say extended Easter weekend, April 2010) to Sariska National Park in Alwar, Rajasthan. It’s a breezy couple of hours' drive from Delhi and the weather is much more tolerable than the city.

And before you ask me, 'NO', I did not see any tigers at all. They simply didn’t think it was worthwhile enough to give me a glimpse of their majestic presence. So, you should all sympathise with my beautiful sentiments of extreme envy towards those who did. However, I’m not the one to go down without a fight! So, here I am with a 'Tiger Bird' instead, eating out of my hands—literally.

Now, back to the trip. The first thing that hits you while you are on the way to Sariska is its arid landscape. Trees are few and far in between, hills are barren and rock-faced, and vegetation, very scarce but beautiful. Once inside Rajasthan and on the by-pass to Alwar, you pass men in stately turbans, women in vividly-coloured ghagras, and camels strutting in their majestic sway. 

Even, the dung heaps in the fields (which would be later used as fuel for their earthen stoves) are smoothed into big square blocks and embossed with designs in line drawings. (Again, before you ask, Yes, it’s true and No, I don’t have photographs of it because my husband thought that stopping the car in the middle of the road to click dung heaps would psychologically affect his notions about our relationship. So there!)

After reaching Sariska we checked into the Tiger Den Resort. It’s a good place with a sprawling lawn in front to unwind. The first obvious and overwhelming realisation that engulfs you is the silence, I could not recall when was the last time I sat in so much calm and natural beauty surrounding me. Relaxation had a new meaning.

We booked a safari for the next morning and it was very scenic as well as exciting. There were lots of curious flora which our knowledgeable guide dutifully pointed to us, along with their botanical names! To make for the lack of the big cat, we spotted a lot of deer (some 3 types of them), crocodiles, tortoises, black-faced langurs and a lot of birds. Oh yes, and peacocks, huge peacocks, lots of peacocks and I don’t think I would want to see anymore, I’ve had my lifetime’s fill of them. But, they are beautiful, very regal.

Sariska is 193 kms from Delhi and took us three and a half hours to drive. Road conditions are good and traffic very sparse, so you can speed it up. Regarding accommodation, RTDC hotels provide the most reasonable rates, and include breakfast and dinner with the room tariff. Simple and tasty fares in food. But best avoid non-vegetarian because the vegetarian cooks are not that good in it--that's what people will tell you, and DO NOT listen to them. They make awesome non-veg. the mutton there was mouth watering. I know I will go there again, and very soon. It's a fabulous place, quiet, majestic and an overpowering jungle mesmerises you. 


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