Quirk of timing!

This totally intriguing thing happened late last night while we were returning home. 

The roads were clear and empty almost. I was humming along to some nice Kishore Kumar songs playing on the radio and inhaling that peculiar autumn smell in the air. Everything was gradually entering a trance-like mode when suddenly my husband jarred my senses. 

He was trying to make me see something ahead of him. As both his hands were on the wheel, the whole pointing action was done by his eyes and monosyllabic utterances containing the single word, 'Dekho!' . 
I naturally looked ahead—at the road. Confused, I looked back at him, 'What?'
'Look, look at my speedometre!' he said.
'Very responsible citizen, you are sir. You're doing 30kmph!'
'Miss. Intel-i-giant, look at the metre which clocks the miles covered."
I made a face at him. 'That is called an odometre...' but my sarcastic reply hung in the air when I saw it.

The odometre showed a perfect figure '77777'. After a mad scramble for the phone, I clicked it at the last possible second before the end digit turned to eight. 

You may think, what's the big deal but little moments like this etch an album of memories. Down the years, when we think about this we will also reminisce about where we were coming back from, the time, the friends and a host of other things. That's what makes quirks special for me.

As for what happened after that? Well, we were back to our suspended-animation mode until we reached home. 


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