Moments with her...

I know it's been a long time since I last wrote a post. But I have the biggest excuse ever... I've got a baby to take care of!

M is doing fine, she is at six weeks now and quite temperamental. I think she will be quite moody when she grows up. Now that I think of it, I think she will give her boyfriend a hard time. Like for instance, they decide to meet up at a particular bus stop and then on to a movie or something. The poor guy turns in a tad bit late (mind you, the key point being just a little bit late) then either she would leave by the very bus the guy came in or would go up till the theatre and take a single ticket to watch the movie alone. Poor guy!

S says, I'm just projecting my own latent mean girl vibes on her. Anyway, what I mean to explain is that you get a millisecond late in feeding her, or her bath water is not presented in the exact right temperature or maybe her hairbrush is not moving in the right direction and you will have your ears blasted with the shrillest cry a six-weeks-old baby is capable of.

Hold on, this is by no means an exhaustive list. Among the infinite things that Her Majesty takes an offense to, we often find ourselves walking on eggshells. In fact, some of them have graduated to being strictly forbidden for me.
  • I'm not allowed to play Candy Crush while I feed her.
  • I'm also not allowed to check my Twitter timeline.
  • I cannot change my position when feeding her, that includes scooting my numb arse by 2 millimetres or stretching my hands even though I've got pins and needles.
  • In the afternoon while she sleeps, I've got to keep wide awake because if I dare to sleep that totally wrecks her mojo and she will open her eyes and her vocal chords.
  • Her sleep mojo is also affected if: I take a shower, I go to pee, I watch some TV, I read a book or attend a phone call.
  • And, no matter the time of the day, she has to poop exactly when I sit down to eat. 
But, all things said and done I'm her mother, I've got to show who's the boss here. And this post here, it's not just a blog post it is my defiance, it is a moment of raising my voice of dissent. So what if  she won't ever read it or that it will be years before she even comes across this. Neither does it matter that after writing this out, I will quietly conform to her unspoken rules and demands. 

All things said and done, she's the sunshine of my mornings and the glory of my evenings and the switch that makes me light up like a Christmas tree.

I'll be writing soon again so you guys keep visiting.


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