Not at home with staying home

I'm working from home again. The office allowed me a two-month remote working arrangement so that I could stay back and take care of my precious little gem. I'm in my bed working as M is sleeping peacefully next to me. I look at her in between my work and I start thinking that my two months are almost over and I will have to make a decision soon.

I've been at home since November last year and my lifestyle has gone through a massive overhaul. Sometimes I'm raring to just get out, if nothing else than just take a metro ride to and from a coffee shop. But sometimes I'm content to loll around in my pajamas and averse to even take a stroll around the apartment complex. 

No more dressing up, no eating out, no impulse shopping, no meetings or conference calls, no brainstorming or gossip with peers and subordinates but yes, a lot of good feelings, a lot of happiness, a lot of glow and a huge lot of power surge. It's amazing how I feel more confident these days and powerful.

However, my biggest achievement is patience, you won't know patience unless and until  you become a mother (and also until you live with your parents-in-law).


  1. I can totally vouch for the last sentence. Especially the latter part. The former, that will have to wait...

  2. Thanks fellow victim. And I'm waiting for it too.


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