The end of a chapter.

I resigned.

I called it quits from the best job, the best office, and the best work I was in. I'm sure there are more to come and will trump my life in T&F in more ways than one but I loved this one and I would always nurse a teeny bit of remorse about resigning. After a total of eight years of working of which five were spent in T&F, I'm now getting ready for a life at home. August 14 is going to be my last day at work, sniff!
Five years of learning, mentoring, colleagues, and all the fun of office life. My biggest loss will be my awesome colleagues who have spilled out of that connotation and filled my life as dear, darling friends. I've had the craziest house parties with them, add to it evenings at the pub bitching about all and sundry. (That reminds me I could do a post on them each, that'd be so cool.)

I will miss the office coffee, and the sweets and snacks deluge of every Indian holiday and non-holiday. I mean Diwali and Holi is routine but also Women's Day and Green Week! And there would be someone's birthday, someone's anniversary, wedding, baby shower, new car, you name it and we will have a feast to boot. Not to mention, the goodies from the many contests.

I will miss the meetings in the big conference rooms, the water cooler gossips, the new fitness resolutions every morning which ended in the poutine plates of Route 05 in the evening. The buzz of deadlines which kept my nose in the computer until late and then the post-print cycle laid back days.

What am I going to do now? 

Well, mostly I'm going to be at home to take care of M full-time. I will try and rope in some freelance work which will give me the ease and flexibility to make M my priority. Decidedly, I'm going to  have my hands full with her, seeing how she's growing up to be a feisty little one. And, she is only four months! 

Second, I'll try and be more regular at writing. I've got to finish a lot of half baked ideas that are tucked away in the pages of my organiser. And yes, cooking. I will try and make at least one new recipe every week. I'm sure S wouldn't mind. Besides, there are so many new books to be read that I keep buying and stuffing in my minuscule shelf. Also, I always wanted to learn basic sewing so as to make cool outfits for M and of course, planning new holidays and road trips....

There, there... now that I've spelled it out it doesn't sound so bad after all. So, although the end of this phase makes me sad there's a lot of things to look forward to in the next chapter. I just hope, wish and pray it is equally exciting.


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