Taking a Shower? No es posible!

'I'll go take a shower.'
'Time for a shower!'
'I need a shower.'

How I wish, I could say all these and mean it. That it factually happens and does take place after I have said it. Well, no luck there though I still do say it a lot, and text it a lot, like in a chat, casual conversations, etc. You see, it has got a nice ring to it rather than saying, 'I'll go take a bucket bath.' Erm, that is like, unromantic to the core.

However, is it even possible to say and mean this fabulous sentence in this city. Think about it. (I did, in the vast time I had during lockdown) No, really, just settle down and think. Because, let me tell you plain and simple, it is simply, no es posible.

According to my observations, (my really minute and diligent observations) by the time you are up and so is the sun, the fabulous sentence in question becomes untenable. Normal people like you and me who dream of standing under the cool stream of the shower to wash down the sticky morning heat, be aware, and be very afraid. This dream of singing under the shower is neither practical nor harmless.

By 7 am the water from the shower is apt for a pedicure like feet immersion, and after an hour, for soaking soybeans. Give it another hour and then you can parboil pasta and after that, it's perfect for brewing tea, coffee, or other hot beverages. The peak point in mid-noon, why, you can in fact sterilise surgical instruments. But no, even when the day starts getting old, you cannot still use the water to shower, to human shower that is.

When the sun starts to go down, the water still keeps its morale strong. I mean you got to love this positivism, there's just no giving up. Therefore, you should get to work as well and though you still cannot 'take a shower' you can wash your really greasy utensils, extremely dirty laundry, or maybe those colour-smeared clothes from last Holi.

Are you a really optimistic fellow? 
If you are and are looking forward to a shower before bed, then hold your horses. The otherwise refreshing experience will now open up your pores like craters for that sauna feel in your own bloody humble bathroom. Oh, the joy!

Therefore, all my fellow sufferers turn back to your humble buckets fill them up beforehand, and keep them to cool down for use later. Abandon all romantic ideas of a shower and embrace the cool offering of a bucket bath. 


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